Internship Opportunities

Internship and Research on the European Union, Latin America and the United States

Fall 2021 - Internship and Research on the European Union, Latin America and the United States

For more information contact Dr. Goergmaier:

Spring 2020 Internship Yearbook Photo

Spring 2020 Yearbook Photo

Pictured from left to right: Jiamin Ren, Melody Li, Professor Joaquin Roy, Peter Amador, Zijun Yao, Dr. Melanie Goergmaier, Lue Fang, Haoyuan Feng, Yujing Zhou, Jared Sharp, Daria Pietropaolo.



“The EU Center internship has advanced my research and communication skills. These experiences will absolutely lead me to future success. My newfound knowledge on the European Union and its complexities will aid me in my future international studies and investigations.” – Josephine Gray, major in international studies with minors in Italian and mathematics. Fall 2020

  josephine Gray

"The EU Center internship has provided me with an amazing opportunity to improve my research skills and become a more global citizen. I aspire to be an international lawyer and the internship has given me valuable information on economics, law, and international affairs." -Emily Espinosa, major in economics, minors in history, English. Fall 2020

emily espinosa

"The EU Center welcomed me with open arms and has allowed me to gain great insight in EU current events, economics, and history. Along the way, I have met even greater mentors whose wise words and knowledge I will value and cherish." -Jess Diez, majoring in International Studies and Economics, minoring in Arabic Studies 
jess diez

"This internship gave me so many meaningful skills and experiences that will help me down the road. I learned so much about the EU and gained a new appreciation for its success." - Allegra Turner, interned while double majoring in International Studies and French.

"The EU Center internship provided me with an invaluable opportunity to enhance my research skills and learn more about numerous EU institutions that play a vital role in creating and sustaining the most successful experiment of regional integration." - Manvi Rajan Seth, graduated in May 2019 with majors in Mathematics and International Studies.

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Interns organize an event to advertise courses offered by the EU Center    

Interns organize an event to advertise courses offered by the EU Center on the University of Miami campus 

