Caribbean, EUCAR



Norman Girvan

David Hinds

Sir Arthur Lewis


Journals of Business, Finance and Economic in Emerging Economies,JBFEEE 
Journal for Eastern Caribbean Studies, JECS
Social and Economic Studies, SES
(available via UWI LinC e-journals the Main Library)

Small Axe: a Caribbean journal of criticism
( available via UWI LinC e-journals the Main Library)

Third World Quarterly
(available via UWI LinC e-journals the Main Library)

Journal of West Indian Literature
(available via UWI LinC e-journals the Main Library) 


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CARICOM Integration Progress and Hurdles A European View
Foreword by: Pro. The. Hon. Rex Nettleford 
Christoph Mullereile
LMH Publishing Company (1996)
Kingston, Jamaica.

Mullereile, C. (1996). CARICOM Integration Progress and Hurdles A European View: Kingston, Jamaica: LMH Publishing Company.

CARICOM, Appropriate Adaptation on a Changing Global Environment
A Special Issue of The Integrationist Volume 2. No.2 December, 2004
Ian Randle Publishers 

CARICOM Single Market and Economy
Challenges, benefits, Prospects
The Integrationist 
Ian Randle Publishers (2007)

CARICOM Single Market and Economy
Genesis and Prognosis
Kenneth Hall and Myrtle Chuck-A-Song 
Ian Randle Publishers (2007)

Hall, K.,& Chuck-A-Sang, M. (2007). CARICOM Single Market and Economy Genesis and Prognosis: Kingston, Ian Randle Publishers.

Confronting Challenges Maximising Opportunities
A New Diplomacy for Market Access
The Integrationist 
Ian Randle Publishers (2007)

Integration CARICOM’s key to Prosperity
Kenneth Hall and Myrtle Chuck-A-Sang
Ian Randle Publishers (2006)

Hall, K., & Chuck-A-Sang, M. (2006). Integration CARICOM’s key to Prosperity: Kingston, Ian Randle Publishers.

Growth and Development Strategies for the Caribbean
Caribbean Development Bank (2009)

The Caribbean Community in Transition Functional
Cooperation as a Catalyst for Change 
Kenneth Hall and Myrtle Chuck-A-Sang
Ian Randle Publishers (2008)
