Observatory on EU Foreign and Security Relations

This observatory looks at the broad and complex question of EU Foreign and Security policies. Many European institutions are involved in the process and have a say in designing and shaping policies. However, Member States, especially Britain, France and Germany, remain the main decision-makers. The Common Security and Defense Policy has been an active instrument since 2003 for promoting security and stability in military and civilian missions in several continents. A select list of think tanks offers a comprehensive starting point to the study of the question of EU foreign and security policy.


Howorth, Jolyon. 2007. The Security and Defence Policy in the European Union. Palgrave Macmillan

Jones, Seth G. 2007. The Rise of European Security Cooperation. Cambridge University Press

Mérand, Frédéric; Foucault, Martial; Irondelle, Bastien (Eds.) 2011.European Security since the Fall of the Berlin Wall. University of Toronto Press

Meyer, Chritoph. 2006. The Quest for a European Strategic Culture. Changing Norms on Security and Defence in the European Union. Palgrave Macmillan


Bickerton, Chris J.; Irondelle, Bastien. 2011. Security Co-operation Beyond the Nation-State: the EU's Common Security and Defence Policy. Journal of Common Market Studies. 49: 1. 1-21.

Dominguez, Roberto. 2007. Iran: A New Challenge to EU Foreign Policy.  EUMA. Vol. 4. No. 20. August.

Fernández Sola, Natividad. 2009. The New External Action Service of the EU: A European Diplomatic Entity in the making? EUMA. Vol. 6. No. 8. May.

Hofmann, Stéphanie. 2011. Why Institutional Overlap Matters: CSDP in the European Security Architecture. Journal of Common Market Studies. 49:1. 101-120.

Larivé, Maxime. 2011. The Building of the US Missile Shield in Europe. The Triangular Relationship: US, EU, Russia. EUMA. Vol. 11. No. 8. June.

Meyer, Christoph; Strickmann, Eva. 2011. Solidifying Constructivism: How Material and Ideational Factors Interact in European Defence. Journal of Common Market Studies. 49:1. 61-81.

Serra Massansalvador, Francesc. 2010. Russia’s Foreign Policy in a World in Crisis. A Long Path Path to Fluid and ‘Normal’ Relations. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Series. Vol. 10. No. 4. May.

Vogel, Heinrich. 2009. Russia-EU: A Dangerous Relationship? Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series. Vol. 9. No. 4. March.  



National institutions



